Temple City, CA Air Conditioning and Heating

Temple City, CA Air Conditioning and Heating Services

Check out what some of our customers are saying about Precise Air Systems, Inc. Air Conditioning and Heating services.

Local Reviews
for Temple City, CA

Jose B.

Jose B.

Lennox heat pump install in the city of Temple city, California

Near Cloverly Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Lennox heat pump install in the city of Temple city, California Temple City, CA - Lennox heat pump install in the city of Temple city, California
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Going to be changing out this gas system to a heat pump here in Temple City

Near Cloverly Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Going to be changing out this gas system to a heat pump here in Temple City
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Going to be changing out this gas split system and installing a Lennox heat pump here in Temple City

Near Cloverly Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Going to be changing out this gas split system and installing a Lennox heat pump here in Temple City
Sean P.

Sean P.

Prevention maintenance visit

Near N Muscatel Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Checking for a water leak when it rains . The exposed ducting needs to be re sealed here in Temple City

Near Fiesta Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Checking for a water leak when it rains . The exposed ducting needs to be re sealed here in Temple City
Zachary U.

Zachary U.

Thermostat replacement and maintenance per contract

Near Lemon Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Zachary U.

Zachary U.

Seasonal maintenance

Near Rio Hondo Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Seasonal maintenance
Francisco O.

Francisco O.

Equipment change out, starting with the condenser near Pasadena

Near N Muscatel Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Equipment change out, starting with the condenser near Pasadena
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Removing this old gas system re placing it with a heat pump here in temple city

Near N Muscatel Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Removing this old gas system re placing it with a heat pump here in temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Going to be taking out this gas system and installing a heat pump here in temple city

Near N Muscatel Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Going to be taking out this gas system and installing a heat pump here in temple city
Zachary U.

Zachary U.

Check Installation

Near Longden Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Adjusting some airflow on a job we installed all new heat pump equipment and new ductwork here in Temple city

Near Longden Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Adjusting some airflow on a job we installed  all new heat pump equipment and new ductwork here in Temple city
Francisco O.

Francisco O.

Heat pump system finished in temple city

Near Longden Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Heat pump system finished in temple city Temple City, CA - Heat pump system finished in temple city
Francisco O.

Francisco O.

Building plenums for a Lennox air handler near temple city

Near Longden Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Building plenums for a Lennox air handler near temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Heat pump installation finished here in temple city

Near Fratus Dr, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Heat pump installation finished here in temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Changing out this gas system to a heat pump here in temple city

Near Longden Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Changing out this gas system to a heat pump here in temple city
Francisco O.

Francisco O.

Equipment change out and new ducts, near temple city

Near Longden Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Equipment change out and new ducts, near temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Another full split system being taken out here in Temple City

Near Fratus Dr, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Another full split system being taken out here in Temple City
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Going to be replacing this gas system to a heat pump here in Temple city

Near Fratus Dr, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Going to be replacing this gas system to a heat pump here in Temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Installed locking caps on the condenser here in Temple City

Near Encinita Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Installed locking caps on the condenser here in Temple City
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Almost done with this 5 ton split system replacement with all new ducting and re design here in temple city

Near Encinita Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Almost done with this 5 ton split system replacement with all new ducting and re design here in temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

New system with new ducting being installed after demo is done here in temple city

Near Encinita Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - New system with new ducting being installed after demo is done here in temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Going from a 4 ton to a 5 ton system with all new ducting here in temple city

Near Encinita Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Going from a 4 ton to a 5 ton system with all new ducting here in temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Installed some locking caps on two condensers here in temple city

Near Live Oak Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Installed some locking caps on two condensers here in temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Almost done with two 4 ton split system change out with all new ducting here in temple city

Near Rio Hondo Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Almost done with two  4 ton split system change out with all new ducting here in temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Two 4 ton split system unit change out all new duct and registers here in temple city

Near Rio Hondo Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Two 4 ton split system unit change out all new duct and registers here in temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Figuring out how to install a split system here in temple city

Near Hermosa Dr, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Figuring out how to install a split system here in temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Very old gas electric system being changed to a heat pump here in temple city

Near Village Cir Dr, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Very old gas electric system being changed to a heat pump here in temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Time for this old gas electric system to be replaced with a green heat pump system here in temple city

Near La Rosa Dr, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Time for this old gas electric system to be replaced with a green heat pump system here in temple city
Jeff  K.

Jeff K.

Gas electric system being changed to a heat pump with all new ducting here in temple city

Near La Rosa Dr, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Gas electric system being changed to a heat pump with all new ducting here in temple city
Zachary U.

Zachary U.

Residential Diagnostic

Near Fiesta Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Residential Diagnostic
Zachary U.

Zachary U.

Residential Maintenance

Near Longden Ave, Temple City, CA 91780
Temple City, CA - Residential Maintenance